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The Milkman is a guest starring character on The CW's Riverdale. He is portrayed by Matty Finochio.

In 1955, the man known as The Milkman is a serial killer in Riverdale. His crimes are purportedly inspired by a story from Pep Comics.

Throughout Riverdale[]

Season 7[]

The Milkman Cometh[]


The Milkman Cometh

In 1955, Ethel Muggs arrived at the Sock Hop dance at Riverdale High School covered in blood. Ethel claims that her parents were brutally murdered by a milkman. Suspicion naturally falls on the local milkman, Willie, but he is quickly exonerated by Sheriff Keller due to his old age and solid alibi, and Ethel's story is questioned. Particularly when her story seems to match that of a Pep Comics story titled "The Milkman Cometh" from the Pit of the Perverse issue that Jughead found in her room, eventually discovered by the sheriff's department. [1] When Julian Blossom is revealed to be Ethel's alibi, she is exonerated and the allegations about Jughead are also unfounded. Not only was he at the Sock Hop during the murders, but there is no way he and Ethel enacted the murders together. [2]

A few weeks later, in the evening, a milkman identified as Melvin through a label on his uniform shows up at Brad Rayberry's door.[3] The rattling of his milk bottles were heard by Mrs. Martin, the cat lady neighbor of Brad Rayberry, thus leading Jughead to suspect foul play occurred on Brad's death. [4]


Ethel stabs Melvin

A figure in a milkman uniform stalks Betty and Archie at the old Muggs' house but is nowhere to be found when Archie checks at the window. Later on, Melvin is in Brad Rayberry's apartment and attacks Ethel. However, she has the upper hand and stabs him fatally with a kitchen knife.[5]

Physical Appearance[]

Melvin is an adult man of an average height and unassuming appearance. He has brown eyes and short brown hair. He wears a light blue and white milkman uniform.


Editor's Note: The list of suspects detailed below are of characters who have been suspected within the show of being the Milkman. It should in no way list characters who fans have deemed as being potential suspects.


  • Melvin: Shows up at Brad Rayberry's home dressed as a milkman before he died.


  • Willie the Milkman: Suspected because of his job. Disproved because he was home, and also too old and frail.
  • Ethel Muggs: Suspected of having killed her parents. Disproved because she was with Julian Blossom at the Lover Lane during the murder of her parents.
  • Jughead Jones: Suspected of having helped Ethel. Disproved because he was at the Sock Hop during the murders.



Season 7[]


  • The Milkman is a similar character to Micheal Matthews, in the sense that they are both enigmatic serial killers. Both men take pleasure in killing people and have their own methods in doing so - Micheal enjoys getting his victims to make him a meal before brutally killing them, whilst The Milkman dresses up as a Milkman and behaves like one before killing.


See also: Category:Images of The Milkman

