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After your visit, Archie, I made it my personal mission to catch the man who invaded your home. An anonymous tip led to the suspect, and when we went to question him... Well, unfortunately, he engaged us in a firefight, and we were forced to take him down. He's dead, but he's the guy, no question.
— Sheriff Minetta to Archie and Fred[src]

Michael Minetta was a recurring character in the second and third seasons of The CW's Riverdale. He was portrayed by Henderson Wade.

Minetta was hired by Hiram Lodge to replace Tom Keller as the sheriff of Riverdale, though he went missing.

Throughout Riverdale[]

Physical Appearance[]

Michael Minetta is a tall man in his thirties with a lean, but athletic build. He has dark brown skin, gray eyes, short black hair, and a clean-shaven look. Due to his duties as sheriff in Riverdale, he is more often than not seen wearing his sheriff uniform.


Sheriff Minetta is a corrupt and ruthless law enforcement officer who serves as Riverdale’s sheriff under Hiram Lodge’s influence. He is shown to be authoritative and forceful, often using aggression during arrests, as seen when he violently apprehends Fangs Fogarty. Minetta is also highly manipulative, fabricating evidence and coercing false testimonies to serve Hiram’s interests, such as when he orchestrates Archie’s arrest for Cassidy Bullock’s murder and later eliminates the Shadow Lake witnesses.

Minetta prioritizes his loyalty to Hiram over legitimate law enforcement duties, as demonstrated by his role in Hiram’s criminal enterprises, including overseeing the framing of Tall Boy as the second Black Hood and coordinating with Hiram’s associates in the New Southside operation. He is also self-serving, accepting bribes, engaging in intimidation tactics, and shaking down Veronica for money under the guise of police funding.

Despite his apparent confidence and control, Minetta ultimately proves expendable, as seen when Hermione Lodge, his secret lover and co-conspirator, betrays and kills him to cover her tracks. His actions throughout his tenure reflect a pattern of corruption, brutality, and unwavering allegiance to those in power, rather than a commitment to justice or public safety.


Hiram Lodge[]

Minetta and Hiram had a strictly business relationship built on corruption and mutual benefit. As sheriff, Minetta was more than willing to serve as Hiram’s enforcer, carrying out his orders without hesitation, whether it involved wrongful arrests and raids, or framing innocent people. Hiram, in turn, provided Minetta with power and protection. However, this loyalty was one-sided, as Minetta started having an affair with Hiram’s wife, Hermione, and was more than willing to kill Hiram when Hermione ordered him to.

Veronica Lodge[]

Minetta had little personal interaction with Hiram and Hermione’s daughter, Veronica, but still played a role in enabling her father’s schemes, many of which put her in danger. As Hiram’s lackey, he was complicit in actions that directly affected Veronica’s life, such as the framing of her boyfriend, Archie and the various criminal activities that destabilized Riverdale. Veronica held no respect for Minetta, viewing him as yet another one of her father’s corrupt pawns.

Jughead Jones[]

Minetta and Jughead were at odds due to Jughead’s relentless investigative efforts to expose corruption in Riverdale. Jughead saw Minetta as a symbol of everything wrong with the town’s justice system - an officer who served criminals instead of stopping them. Minetta, on the other hand, dismissed Jughead’s accusations and used his authority to suppress Jughead’s attempts to uncover the truth. Their antagonistic relationship only worsened when Minetta aided in the crackdown on the Southside Serpents, forcing Jughead and his friends to seek asylum.

Archie Andrews[]

Minetta played a direct role in ruining Archie’s life by framing him for the murder of Cassidy Bullock on Hiram’s orders. He ensured that Archie was convicted despite the lack of real evidence. While Minetta did not seem to have any personal grudge against Archie, his willingness to destroy a teenager’s future for the sake of power highlighted his lack of integrity. Archie, in turn, saw Minetta as a corrupt figure who served Hiram rather than the law.

Betty Cooper[]

Minetta and Betty rarely interacted directly, but he frequently worked against her efforts to expose Riverdale’s corruption. Betty, being one of the few people actively investigating Hiram and the town’s criminal activities, saw Minetta as an extension of the corruption she was fighting against. He, in turn, viewed her investigative work as a nuisance, dismissing her attempts to bring the truth to light.


Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]



See also: Category:Images of Michael Minetta

Season 2 Screencaps[]

Season 3 Screencaps[]

