Felix Featherhead is a recurring character on The CW's Riverdale. He is portrayed by Anthony Michael Hall and William MacDonald during the third and seventh seasons, respectively.
In 1992, Mr. Featherhead was the principal of Riverdale High School and oversaw detention for misbehaving students. When Archie and the Gang are sent back in time to 1955, he is running Riverdale High under the conservative guidance of school counselor, Dr. Werthers. Following the arrest of Mayor Blossom, Featherhead is removed from his role for being an accomplice.
Throughout Riverdale[]
Season 3[]
The Midnight Club[]
Principal Featherhead overseas Saturday detention for Fred Andrews, FP Jones, Alice Smith, Hermione Gomez, Sierra Samuels, and Penelope Blossom. He lays down the rules before informing them that they are expected to hand in a 1,000 word essay by the end of the day. He then leaves the detentionees in the class by themselves. Featherhead only returns after discovering that a fight had broken out between Hermione Gomez and Penelope Blossom. Because of this, he ups all of their punishments to from one Saturday detention to four.

Principal Featherhead's body
Much later, after supposedly learning of trespassing students in the school during the late hours of the night, Principal Featherhead decides to investigate. He just misses Alice Smith, who hides behind a wall as he enters the school. Unfortunately, that was the last time anyone would see him alive. Days later, after being ruled officially missing, Principal Featherhead's body is found in the storage closet by the janitor. Notably, he has blue lips.[1]
Season 7[]
Conservative Principal[]

Principal Featherhead denies Betty and Toni's request
After welcoming Hollywood starlet Veronica Lodge to Riverdale High School, Principal Featherhead denies Betty and Toni's request to print a story on Emmett Till at The Blue and Gold, claiming that Toni's story is not suitable for publication, though he makes it a point to remind them that Riverdale High was one of the first schools in the country to integrate. In spite of this, Betty and Toni plot with Cheryl and Tabitha to read a poem dedicated to Emmett Till by Langston Hughes over the morning announcements, for which he scolds the young ladies.[2]
Featherhead is disturbed by the drawings Ethel Muggs has been caught making in Dr. Dilton's class. With Dr. Werther's advice, the principal gives her a week's detention regardless of Ethel's explanations on how she is on a deadline to deliver the illustrations of the comic for Pep Comics.
The principal lurks into the room during the school party, visibly annoyed by Fangs Fogarty's rock'n'roll and even more disturbed to see Cheryl and Toni dancing together. He later walks up to Cheryl, commenting how chaste dancing between boys and girls is what God intended.[3]

Featherhead suspects a student of murder
Featherhead and Werthers discuss how to address the murder of Ethel's parents. Dr. Werthers suggests carrying on with the week's pre-approved lesson plans. Later, Featherhead, Werthers, and Sheriff Keller confront Jughead about allegedly breaking into Ethel's house yesterday, which he claims he didn't. Nevertheless, they suspect that Jughead may be protecting her, but Jughead insists that he wasn't at Ethel's house. However, their suspicions of foul play are confirmed after searching Jughead's train car and finding not only graphic drawings of Ethel killing her parents, but gruesome comics as well.[4]
War on Pep Comics[]

Featherhead against Pep Comics
The principal comments on the dangers of Pep Comics and how the story is so similar to Ethel's claims of her parents' killer. With Dr. Werthers' help criticizing the disturbing nature of Ethel's drawings, Featherhead lets Sheriff Keller arrest Ethel and Jughead.[5]
Felix and Dr. Werthers meets with Mayor Clifford Blossom to discuss recent events. Clifford is concerned that Ethel may be talking, but the doctor says Sister Woodhouse has imposed a vow of silence on the youth of the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, including Ethel. The Parent-Teacher Association, however, is still shocked by the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Muggs and wants answers. Dr. Werthers believes that the more attention remains focused on the murders, the more precarious their grasp on the situation becomes. Sheriff Keller is still looking for the "milkman" and the murder weapon, but it is a waste of time for Werthers; he suggests stopping rehashing the Muggs murder case and starting a war against Pep Comics. At a following meeting, Featherhead reads the editorial Dr. Werthers wrote for The Register; "Comic Books: Slaughter of the Innocent!" The mayor congratulates him and Werthers replies he considers it his civic and moral duty before throwing an issue of Pep Comics into the fireplace, declaring that the so-called comic creators must be prosecuted by the law.[6]
Featherhead receives Archie and Frank Andrews in his study. He is glad to hear Archie swear on a stack of Bibles that he wants to improve his grades, doubling down on his schoolwork and being at least a B student.[7]

Giving Jughead an ultimatum
The Principal summons Jughead Jones to his office, where he and Dr. Werthers lecture him for being the author of lurid horror comics. Jughead is having none of it, but the principal rebuts him by giving him an ultimatum: if he doesn't stop writing horror comics, which Dr. Werthers likens to pornography, they will expel him. A few days later, Brad Rayberry accompanies Jughead to the principal's office, claiming to be his mentor. Featherhead is happy that Jughead has decided to sign the deal but is taken aback when Rayberry announces that Jughead will continue to write more comics for Pep Comics, just not the horror kind, and that if he or Werthers continue to harass him, he will take them to the Supreme Court. Featherhead tries to calm things down, agreeing that Super Duck is a rather harmless comic book, and advising there is no need to blow things out of proportion.[8]
Dr. Werthers and Principal Featherhead are frustrated by the Riverdale Bulldogs' loss to the Stonewall Stallions.[9]
Principal Featherhead, Dr. Werthers, Sheriff Keller, and Sister Woodhouse are in the principal's office and ask Jughead if he knows anything about Ethel's escape from the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. The boy, however, categorically denies knowing about it.[10]
Physical Appearance[]
In 1990s, Felix Featherhead had gray hair and wore a gray suite with a tie. In 1955, however, Felix Featherhead is more heavyset, balding and wearing a pair of round-rimmed glasses.
Principal Featherhead is a strict principal in 1990, and his version in the 1955 timeline is even more conservative. Felix relies almost entirely on Dr. Werthers, the psychiatrist who also serves as school counselor. Featherhead prides himself on being a man in step with the times, leading an integrated school and also following the latest educational standards. However, this does not exclude his narrow views, such as when he told Cheryl that God intended dance to be between boys and girls after he spotted her and Toni dancing together.
- Featherhead, played by Anthony Michael Hall, is similar to Principal Richard Vernon from The Breakfast Club, which starred Hall and Molly Ringwald, who portrays Mary Andrews.
- Featherhead's appearances in 1955 is reminiscent of Waldo Weatherbee in the Archie Comics.
- See also: Category:Images of Felix Featherhead
- ↑ Williams, Tessa Leigh (writer) & Wilkinson, Dawn (director) (October 31, 2018). "Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Midnight Club". Riverdale. Season 3. Episode 4. The CW.
- ↑ Aguirre-Sacasa, Roberto & Iman, Danielle (writers) & Paul Richard, Ronald (director) (March 29, 2023). "Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen: Don't Worry, Darling". Riverdale. Season 7. Episode 1. The CW.
- ↑ Jackson, Ariana (writer) & Richard, Ronald Paul (director) (April 5, 2023). "Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen: Skip, Hop, and Thump!". Riverdale. Season 7. Episode 2. The CW.
- ↑ Salinas Schoenberg, Janine (writer) & James DeWille (director) (April 12, 2023). "Chapter One Hundred and Twenty: Sex Education". Riverdale. Season 7. Episode 3. The CW.
- ↑ Maroon, Chrissy (writer) & Yarmy, Claudia (director). (April 19, 2023). "Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One: Love & Marriage". Riverdale. Season 7. Episode 4. The CW.
- ↑ Murray, Greg (writer) & Woolnough, Jeff (director). (April 26, 2023). "Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Two: Tales in a Jugular Vein". Riverdale. Season 7. Episode 5. The CW.
- ↑ Sullivan, Ted (writer) & Myrold, Amy (director). (May 3 2023). "Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three: Peep Show". Riverdale. Season 7. Episode 6. The CW.
- ↑ Allen, Aaron (writer) & Warn, Jesse (director). (May 10, 2023). "Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Four: Dirty Dancing". Riverdale. Season 7. Episode 7. The CW.
- ↑ Kyle, Evan (writer) & Glaude, Cierra (director). (May 17, 2023). "Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five: Hoop Dreams". Riverdale. Season 7. Episode 8. The CW.
- ↑ Ho, Felicia (writer) & Richard, Ronald Paul (director) (June 7, 2023). "Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight: Halloween II". Riverdale. Season 7. Episode 11. The CW.