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The Blossom Family is one of the founding families of Riverdale. They are the largest and oldest family in the town of Riverdale, after coming from an unknown location and settling in Riverdale to create what is now known as the Blossom Maple Farms.

The Blossoms are also related to the Cooper Family, as generations ago, the family split in two after one Blossom brother murdered the other. Penelope has referred to their family has been cursed after its known history with the Blossom brother killing the other and Clifford killing his son Jason as she told her daughter Cheryl.

Frustrated by their history of their family killing their own blood relatives, Cheryl took it upon herself to start over with a new beginning. After the death of her father, she burned the Thornhill down to ashes.


Nearly a hundred years ago, the Blossoms founded the Maple Syrup business in Riverdale, which resulted in almost instant success. However, the two Blossom brothers and their families fought one against the other, for their activity of Maple Syrup, this, brought a brother to kill the other. After the murder, one side of the family severed ties with the other and took on a new name - Cooper. They also told their children that the Coopers and Blossom were two separate families, with no relation to one another, choosing to conceal their family ties over telling them the truth.

Generations later, history was on the verge of repeating itself again with the two Blossom brothers, Claudius and Clifford. Growing up, Claudius would describe them as "a modern-day Romulus and Remus". Eventually, however, it became clear that their parents were grooming Claudius to inherit the Blossom business empire. On their 14th birthday, while down by Sweetwater River, Clifford threatened Claudius with a rifle, telling him of the "Blossom curse", in which one twin often met a violent end, often at the hands of the other. Although Clifford spared Claudius' life, Claudius was terrified enough to run away from home that very night. Claudius joined the Merchant Marines, and traveled the world, hoping to avoid the curse. Claudius' disappearance devastated his mother, who could not even bear to speak his name. Clifford, who went on to inherit the Blossom business, never even told his children, Jason and Cheryl, of Claudius' existence.

The two rival families - the Coopers and the Blossoms - crossed each other's path again when Polly Cooper and Jason Blossom, who were unaware that they were related, fell in love. Their relationship was frowned upon by their families, and each did everything they could to break the two up. However, Polly revealed to Jason and her family that she was pregnant. The two got engaged and planned to run away together, get married, and raise their children on a quiet farm far away from Riverdale. Their dream was quickly ended when Polly's parents, Alice and Hal, sent Polly to a group home known as the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. Polly's pregnancy was kept a secret from the Blossom's and the world.

On July 4th, the twins Jason and Cheryl Blossom went for a boat ride on Sweetwater River, that ended disastrously when the boat tipped over and Jason allegedly drowned while fetching Cheryl's glove. It wasn't until months later that the truth was revealed when Kevin Keller and Moose Mason discovered Jason's body at Sweetwater River with a bullet in his head, revealing that he did not drown, but had actually been murdered. Then it was revealed that he was not killed on July 4th but a week later.

After a long investigation, it was revealed that Jason's killer was none other than his own father, Clifford. Another reason that Jason wanted to run away was that the Maple Syrup business was actually a front for drug business, which Clifford was participating in. Clifford killed Jason to prevent him from telling anyone. Upon being discovered, Clifford hung himself in the barn before he could be arrested. Cheryl, being increasingly traumatized after a failed suicide attempt, as well as neglect from her mother, Penelope Blossom, burned down the Thornhill the next day.

Cheryl and her grandmother Rose Blossom escaped the fire unharmed, but Penelope was burnt when she went back inside to save the family portrait. With her mother incapacitated, Cheryl found herself able to take charge of the family, and blackmailed Penelope into lying that the fire was an accident, in exchange for her hiding Penelope's secret about Clifford's death. After Penelope healed, the Blossom Women moved to the Thistlehouse mansion, where Penelope and Cheryl have started to mend their relationship.

However, any hope of mending ended with the return of Clifford's secret twin brother, Claudius, who conspired with Penelope to gain full control of the family. They attempted to do so by killing Rose and having Cheryl committed. However, Rose survived the attempt on her life and Cheryl was rescued by her friends. Cheryl then went for and gained emancipation from her uncle and mother, resulting in Rose becoming Cheryl's sole guardian and Claudius and Penelope forced to leave Thistlehouse.

Family Members[]


  • Abigail Blossom — Born circa the mid-to-late 19th century, Abigail Blossom lived in a hateful and backward Riverdale at Thornhill. However, at the time it stood as a girl's school. In 1890, the townspeople were suspicious of Abigail since she had no husband, with no intention of taking one. They knew there was palladium to be found in the mines under her groves and wanted to buy them from her, but she refused. After months of harassment, both her and her girls, they decided to steal it instead. They came to Thornhill in the middle of the night, armed with pitchforks and torches. They accused Abigail of being a witch and they burned her at the stake in the groves surrounding Riverdale. With her last breath, she cursed the primary conspirators, Archibald Andrews, Jedidiah Jones, and Beatrice Cooper, and the others to tragedy. After her death, the townspeople claimed the mines and began to dig. However, there was a collapse, killing and entombing an entire generation of fathers and sons. Some said the collapse was caused by Abigail's curse. The events surrounding her death and the curse were written in her journal.[2]
  • Beatrice Cooper[3] — Born circa the mid-to-late 19th century, Beatrice Cooper was one of the primary co-conspirators that convinced the townspeople to accuse Abigail Blossom as a witch and burn her at the stake. They were suspicious of her as she was unmarried, and they wanted the palladium within the mines under her Maple Groves.[2]
  • Benjamin Blossom — Private Benjamin Blossom served in World War II and was an ancestor of the Blossom family. Unbeknownst to Benjamin, he found and recovered the infernal crown of Herod in Hitler's bunker in 1945. Benjamin then sneaked the crown back to his home town of Riverdale. However, he was murdered by a group of occultists who were after the crown, though they had never found it. Before his death, Benjamin hid the crown in a Maple tree.[4]
  • Barnabas B. Blossom — Colonel Barnabas was Jason and Cheryl's great-great-great-grandfather. He was also responsible for bankrolling General Pickens's settlement of Riverdale. Jughead, however, published an exposé that painted him in a different light than that of the Blossom family knew, that he hired General Pickens to steal the land from indigenous people, the Uktena.[5] Jughead further emphasized that Colonel Barnabas massacred over four hundred Uktena to secure his empire.[1] Penelope cites that not only did they acquire the maple trees that sustained their multiple generational business, but they obtained dark, fertile Earth and a mighty river. The Blossoms had a hand in everything from building railroads, operating the saloons and even a brothel, all of which contributed towards the success and future of Riverdale.[6]
  • Great Grandfather Blossom (Unnamed Blossom) — Of the Blossom lineage, Jason and Cheryl's great-grandfather is infamously known for murdering his own brother (Louis' father, also known as great-grandfather Cooper) due to greed and hate over their shared business venture of selling and trading maple syrup.[7] Since the event, it caused a rift in the family.[8] He is also the uncle of Louis Cooper. Hal revealed that great-grandfather Blossom was in fact murdered by his grandfather, not the other way around. Due to the murder, he took on the Cooper name as a new identity.[9]
  • Louis' Father (Unnamed Blossom) — Otherwise known as great-grandfather Cooper, details surrounding Louis' Father remain largely unknown, though he and great-grandfather Blossom were brothers in business together. Together, they profited in selling and trading maple syrup until, one day, he was murdered by his own brother in cold blood.[7] Due to the murder, it caused a rift in the Blossom family and his sister-in-law severed ties with the Blossoms and their name. This resulted in his son, Louis, to take a new surname, "Cooper".[8] This was later revealed to be a lie, that in fact he murdered his brother, great-grandfather Blossom, and took the new identity of Cooper.[9]
  • Clifford's Father — Not much information is known about Clifford's father. When his father killed his brother (Louis' Father), his cousin dropped the Blossom name. At some point in time, he met and married Rose and had a son named Clifford.
  • Rose Blossom — Rose is presumably the eldest living Blossom. As stated by Cheryl, Rose has gypsy blood, and currently practices old gypsy myths. She also has dementia and lived at the Thornhill. She is the mother of Cliff and Claudius Blossom and the grandmother and great-grandmother to the twins, Cheryl and Jason Blossom, and Juniper and Dagwood, respectively.
  • Adelaide Blossom - Adelaide is Rose's cousin. She participated in Miss Maple pageant which caused a conflict with her twin sister, Emmaline, because she had an affair with a salesman.[1]
  • Harrison — Harrison is a member of the Blossom family and either the brother of Clifford's father or Rose, though which is currently undetermined. Penelope mentions that he is Cheryl's great uncle and that he sits on the board of the Brandenburg Music Academy, which she admits they an excellent summer program.[10]
  • Brayden Blossom — Brayden Blossom is Cheryl's great uncle. Cheryl and Heather did chance upon some pretty incriminating missives between him and Percival's great-grandfather, Paxton Pickens, about the miners' strike in '49.[11]
  • Cricket — Cricket is a member of the Blossom board of trustees. After Jason's death, she and other members of the board descended upon Riverdale to review Clifford and his hold on the company. Beyond this pertinent fact, nothing else is known about her.[10] After the authorities had concluded their investigation into Clifford's side business, Cricket, along with the other members of the Blossom family, returned to Riverdale for Clifford's public will-reading.[12]
  • Bedford — Bedford is a member of the Blossom board of trustees. After Jason's death, he and other members of the board descended upon Riverdale to review Clifford and his hold on the company. Penelope also referred to him as "Uncle Bedford", though if this is in relation to Clifford or Cheryl's uncle, remains unclear. Additionally, he was aware of Clifford's attempt at getting back the drive-in land from Hermione Lodge, though his involvement with Clifford is unknown.[10] After the authorities had concluded their investigation into Clifford's side business, Bedford, along with the other members of the Blossom family, returned to Riverdale for Clifford's public will-reading.[12]
  • Claudius Blossom — Claudius was Rose's estranged son and twin brother to Clifford. At the age of fourteen, it became apparent that he was being primed to inherit the Blossom empire; however, Clifford revealed to him the "Blossom Curse" while at rifle point. He explained that one of the twins usually met a violent end at the other's hands, though Clifford spared him. Later that night, he ran away from home and joined the Merchant Marines, hoping to outrun the curse. After Clifford's secret will was released and the family gathered to Riverdale, he too returned, surprising those in attendance that were unaware of Clifford's twin brother.[12] Like his brother before him, his death was staged to look like suicide when in fact he was murdered by Penelope. She knew Claudius was responsible for everyone's seizures due to the runoff into Sweetwater River from his Fizzle Rocks operation from the Blossom maple factory. Claudius had every intention to continue to poison the town with drugs and she thought it was fitting that poison be his end as well.
  • Clifford Blossom — Clifford "Cliff" was the son of Rose Blossom and the previous owner of the Blossom Maple Farms. He grew up in Riverdale and married his high school girlfriend, Penelope Blossom. They had two children, the twins Cheryl and Jason. However, Cliff had begun to use the Blossom business as a front for his own agenda - smuggling drugs across borders. His son Jason discovered this, which resulted in Cliff murdering Jason to cover it up. After this was revealed, Cliff was murdered by Penelope with pufferfish poisoning. His death was staged as a suicide by hanging.
  • Penelope Blossom — Penelope is an orphaned child who was taken in by the Blossom family due to her red hair and pale skin. She was introduced to Clifford under the pretenses of eventually marrying him. She grew up in Riverdale and attended Riverdale High alongside Clifford Blossom. During this time, she dated Cliff, and the two eventually married and had two children together, Cheryl and Jason Blossom. She is also an owner of the Blossom Maple Farms.
  • Cheryl Blossom — Cheryl is the daughter of Cliff and Penelope Blossom, and fraternal twin of Jason Blossom. Cheryl was extremely close to Jason growing up, and they would have done anything for each other. Upon learning of Jason's relationship and later on his plans to run away with Polly Cooper, Cheryl planned to help him escape Riverdale and their family. The plan was to row across Sweetwater River on July 4th and drop Jason off at the other side, and afterward, Cheryl would tip the boat over and say that Jason fell into the water and drowned trying to fetch her glove. It wasn't until months later that she discovered that Jason had actually been murdered. Later, she would discover that her father, Cliff Blossom, murdered Jason. She attended Riverdale High School, where she was the most popular girl at school. She was the captain of the River Vixens until graduation.
  • Jason Blossom — Jason was the teenaged son of Cliff and Penelope Blossom, and the fraternal twin to Cheryl Blossom. Jason was born and raised in Riverdale, where he attended Riverdale High School and was a member of the Riverdale Bulldogs until his death on July 11th. He is currently buried in the Blossom Cemetery behind the Thornhill. Jason was romantically involved with Polly Cooper, although his parents despised it. The two loved each other, and when Polly told Jason that she was pregnant he was thrilled. They even planned to run away together, get married, and raise their children somewhere far away from Riverdale. However, Jason needed money to do so, and went to the Southside Serpents to strike a deal; he would drive and deliver weed in exchange for money. Jason's sister Cheryl would row him across Sweetwater River and then claimed that he drowned. In the meantime, Jason would get into a getaway car and leave town with Polly. But, after the Serpents realized who Jason was, they kidnapped him before he could reach the car and planned to hold him for ransom. The plan changed drastically when Cliff Blossom arrived at the Whyte Wyrm and murdered Jason. His body was later dumped in Sweetwater River and discovered months later by Kevin Keller and Moose Mason.
  • Julian Blossom - Julian was allegedly Cheryl's and Jason's triplet brother, who was initially believed to have been consumed by Cheryl in the womb, according to Nana Rose at least. However, through a chimerism test, Cheryl learns that she didn't actually absorb her brother. Whether or not Julian ever existed or if he was simply a delusion as a result of Nana Rose's dementia has yet to be seen. When Tabitha Tate save everyone from Bailey's Comet and sent Cheryl and the others back to the 1950s, he was Cheryl's twin brother.
  • Juniper and Dagwood Blossom — The children of third cousins Jason Blossom and Polly Cooper. They were conceived sometime before July 4th, and their current birth date is unknown.


  • Louis Cooper — Louis was related to the Blossom Family and when his father murdered his uncle[9], he or his mother changed their last name to "Cooper" as a new identity. His cousins retained the Blossom name and the two families have since been divided. Louis would go on to continue the Cooper name by having a son named Hal.[13] Hal later revealed that Louis was the Riverdale Reaper and murdered the Conway family because they attempted to blackmail him for knowing their family secret.[9]
  • Hal Cooper — Hal is a distant relative of the Blossom family and a member of the Cooper Family. He was born and raised in Riverdale and is the ex-husband of Alice Cooper, as well as the father of Polly and Betty Cooper. He owned Riverdale's local newspaper, The Register with his ex-wife, Alice.
  • Alice Smith — Alice is the ex-wife of Hal Cooper and an in-law to the Blossom Family. She was born in Riverdale where she attended Riverdale High. She later married her high school boyfriend Hal, and the two had two children together - Polly Cooper and Betty Cooper.
  • Polly Cooper — Polly is the daughter of Hal and Alice Cooper and the mother of her and Jason Blossom's twins. Polly was in love with Jason and planned to run away with him. However, her parents intervened and sent her to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy instead, where they planned to give the babies up for adoption. Polly would later escape the Sisters and move back into her family home she moved back to her family home. She later ran away to the Farm in fear of the Black Hood coming after her and her babies. She plans on raising her kids by herself as she cannot stand the toxic environment that is sure to follow her family.
  • Betty Cooper — Betty is the last-born child of Alice and Hal Cooper, and is related to the Blossom Family via her Great-Grandfather. She attended Riverdale High, where she is a River Vixen and runs the school newspaper.


  • Charity Blossom — In 1580, a ship named the Ruby Pearl arrived on the fair shores of Rivervale carrying a motley assortment of passengers who'd left the Old World. Charity and these settlers, along with Asher Andrews, Blessing Cooper, and James Jones, founded the first colonies of the New World on fertile land by a river as sweet as it was restorative. Together they built up Sweetwater Village. However, they soon discovered that one of their neighbors, "Percival Pickens" was performing arcane rituals, one of which involved a girl from their settlement. They brought him before Sweetwater Village's Council and their judgment was swift and cruel—he was to be executed for his crimes.[14]
  • Blessing Cooper[15] — Blessing "Cooper" was among the settlers of Sweetwater Village in 1580 that eventually gave rise to Rivervale.[14]
  • Abigail Blossom — Abigail was born in 1867 to parents unknown with a twin brother, James. Eventually, she would go on to turn her family home into an all-girls boarding school and employ a woman named Thomasina Topaz in 1892. Sometime after, Abigail and receives an unexpected visit from Fen Fogarty, a friend of her brother, with news of his death in the war. The letter he gives her expresses James' dying wish was for her to marry Fen. With Thomasina's help, they learn that Fen is a warlock and murder her brother. Threatening Thomasina's life, Abigail agrees to marry Fen. She honor's her deal though attempts to murder him on their wedding night. With his final breath, Fen uses Bailey's Comet to curse Abigail with immortality and to live in unloved solitude. As a result of being cursed, Abigail was forced to reinvent herself with new personas in order to keep her immortality secret, thus Abigail died in 1945, while she created her first new identity as Poppyseed Blossom, then a second as Cheryl.[14]
  • James Blossom — James Blossom was the twin sibling of Abigail. Around 1892, he was murdered by Fen and his death was made to appear having died in war.[14]
  • Fen Fogarty — Fen was a warlock that served with James Blossom in war, though murdered him and forged a letter in his name, in order to marry his sister.[14]
  • Poppy Blossom — "Poppy" Blossom was born in 1932 and died in 1999. She was however, actually Abigail, having been cursed with immortality. In 1957, Poppy hosts a salon at Thornhill with Bitsy, Velma, Tammy, and Elaina to discuss Bailey's Comet. Poppy assists Bitsy with a drug that will prevent her from conceiving another child, however, she's confronted by Bitsy's husband, Jack, and eventually jailed as a a suspected communist sympathizer. On the night of Bailey's Comet arriving over Rivervale, Jack brings Poppy to Bitsy to help deliever her baby. Though not placed by in jail, she was placed on house arrest at Thornhill indefinitely. Her "death" was recored in 1999, as Abigail took a new identity of Cheryl.[14]
  • Rose Blossom — Roseanne Blossom was born in 1929. Much of her life not too dissimilar to her Riverdale counterpart, though she encouraged her granddaughter to return to the old ways. Eventually that lead Cheryl to sacrificing Archie to the Maple Maiden as well as helping Cheryl make contact with the ghost, La Llorona. With her time nearing its end while under the light of Baily's Coment, Cheryl and Sabrina Spellman perform a transference spell to swap their souls into each other's bodies. Rose continued to live on in "Cheryl's" body, while Cheryl was the second identity of Abigail was able to die in her body, finally breaking her curse of immortality. Though in a new body, she continued to suffer from dementia.[14]
  • Clifford Blossom — Clifford Blossom is Jason father and disguised himself as the "Black Hood" to abducted his son. Jason was held captive at the Whyte Wyrm until Clifford was shot and killed by Sheriff Keller, saving Jason.
  • Cheryl Blossom — Cheryl Blossom returned to the Old Ways in the attempt to save her maple trees. In doing so, she with Rivervale end up sacrificing Archie to the Maple Maiden. When La Llorona is summoned to Rivervale, she and her nana Rose help Betty and Toni make contact with the ghost to learn why she was summoned. Cheryl, however, is Abigail and under the night of Baily's Comment, performs a transference spell with Sabrina Spellman to swap her soul into Rose's body and vice versa. With Rose's last breath, Abigail is finally able to break her curse, die, and reunit with her beloved, Thomasina.
  • Jason Blossom — Cheryl's twin brother, Jason was rescued from the Black Hood, his father, Clifford, and would eventually go on to form a relationship with his third cousin, Polly. The two would have children, twins Juniper and Dagwood.
  • Juniper and Dagwood Blossom — The children of third cousins Jason Blossom and Polly Cooper.

Family Tree[]


CenterBeatrice Cooper[2][3]
Abigail Blossom
Blossom †
Unnamed Great-
Grandmother †
Barnabas B.
Blossom †
Father †
Blossom †
Cooper Family
Father †
Rose Blossom
Note: Dashed vertical lines indicate a span of unknown time between generations of family members. Dashed horizontal lines indicate confirmed parentage out of wedlock. Standalone members of the family have yet to be identified as to how they are connected within the family tree, but are confirmed to be from the Blossom lineage.


Charity Blossom
Fen Fogarty
Abigail Blossom
Blossom †
Blossom †
Unnamed Great-
Grandmother †
Barnabas B.
Blossom †
Father †
Blossom †
Cooper Family
Father †
Rose Blossom †*

Note: Dashed vertical lines indicate a span of unknown time between generations of family members. Dashed horizontal lines indicate confirmed parentage out of wedlock. Standalone members of the family have yet to be identified as to how they are connected within the family tree, but are confirmed to be from the Blossom lineage. Despite Rivervale being a different universe, they are very similar to one another and some family members are assumed as a direct lineage. For simplicity, free floating, unmentioned members are excluded.


  • The Blossoms are known for their pale skin, red hair and having sets of twins. Some have an affinity for occultism.

See Also[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Riverdale: The Maple Murders
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Aguirre-Sacasa, Roberto & Murray, Greg (writers) & Correa, Ronald Gabriel (director) (October 6, 2021). "Chapter Ninety-Five: Riverdale: RIP(?)". Riverdale. Season 5. Episode 19. The CW.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Beatrice Cooper was named as an ancestor to Betty Cooper; however, the Coopers didn't change their names until generations later.
  4. Ly, Oanh (writer) & Seidenglanz, Rob (director) (January 24, 2020). "Chapter Twenty-Three: Heavy is the Crown". Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Part 3. Episode 3. Netflix.
  5. Murray, Greg & Turner, Devon (writers) & Araki, Gregg (director) (January 24, 2018). "Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wrestler". Riverdale. Season 2. Episode 11. The CW.
  6. Murray, Greg & Turner, Devon (writers) & Araki, Gregg (director) (January 24, 2018). "Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wrestler". Riverdale. Season 2. Episode 11. The CW.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Maxwell, Ross (writer) & Warn, Jesse (director) (February 23, 2017). "Chapter Five: Heart of Darkness". Riverdale. Season 1. Episode 5. The CW.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Grassi, Michael (writer) & Seidenglanz, Rob (director) (May 4, 2017). "Chapter Twelve: Anatomy of a Murder". Riverdale. Season 1. Episode 12. The CW.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Boucher, Shepard (writer) & Nowlan, Cherie (director) (May 9, 2018). "Chapter Thirty-Four: Judgment Night". Riverdale. Season 2. Episode 21. The CW.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 DeWille, James (writer) & Rose, Lee (director) (April 6, 2017). "Chapter Nine: La Grande Illusion". Riverdale. Season 1. Episode 9. The CW.
  11. DeWille, James & Anderson, Arabella (writers) & Tara, Dafoe (director) (May 29, 2022). "Chapter One Hundred and Eleven: Blue Collar". Riverdale. Season 6. Episode 16. The CW.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Allen, Aaron (writer) & Piznarski, Mark (director) (March 14, 2018). "Chapter Twenty-Eight: There Will Be Blood". Riverdale. Season 2. Episode 15. The CW.
  13. Boucher, Shepard (writer) & Seidenglanz, Rob (director) (December 13, 2017). "Chapter Twenty-Two: Silent Night, Deadly Night". Riverdale. Season 2. Episode 9. The CW.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Sullivan, Ted & Turner, Devon (writers) & Kerrigan, Anna (director) (July 17, 2022). "Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen: Return to Rivervale". Riverdale. Season 6. Episode 20. The CW.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Blessing Cooper was named as an ancestor to Betty Cooper; however, the Coopers didn't change their names until generations later. Though Percival calls her surname as Cooper, in reference to Betty, he also notes that Riverdale was very similar to his home universe, only seemingly devoid of the supernatural.