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Bailey's Comet is a periodic comet that passes through the solar system once every 65 years. According to Percival, the passing of this comet was heightening his powers. In Rivervale, Abigail and Sabrina also used the comet to perform a soul transference spell.

Throughout Riverdale[]

Season 6[]

Passing over Rivervale[]


Thomasina proposes new teachings

Thomasina joins Abigail's school as a teacher and proposes they study Bailey's Comet, which is scheduled to pass over Rivervale in a few days time, and it offers a scientific opportunity for the girls, but Abigail isn't interested, as it is unlady-like to be in the woods after dark and more importantly, the Thornhill Academy for Girls is a finishing school. Thomasina argues that a comet is fundamental to the understanding of their lives, much like a poem. They're all part of an intertwining fabric, but Abigail still remains reluctant, even as Thomasina continues to push for higher learning in order for women to gain power in the world.


Fe curses Abigail

Later, Abigail honors her deal with Fen and marries him in exchange for Thomasina's life. However, she is simultaneously plotting to kill him. As he is waiting on the bed for Abigail to fulfill her wifely duties, she attacks him with an ax. Abigail then rushes to the chapel, but she is too late to save Thomasina, who Fen has already killed. Fen comes stumbling down the hallway and says that she was perfect for his collection. With his final breath, Fen uses Bailey's Comet to curse Abigail with immortality and to live in unloved solitude.


Poppy's salon

Poppy hosts a salon at Thornhill with Bitsy, Velma, Tammy, and Elaina to discuss Bailey's Comet, which will be passing over their town later that year. Tammy suggests a viewing party set up on the roof of Pop's. The timing of the comet is curious to Elaina, given the Soviet's only just launched Sputnik, the Russian space satellite. Elaina then reveals that Wendy Weatherbee was arrested for conspiracy, despite being as red-blooded American as anyone. This leads Tammy to wonder if their children are safe at school. Poppy attempts to calm the ladies. Her opinion is that if people discuss their different ideas in the privacy of their own homes, she doesn't see the harm, as she simply isn't a fan of witch hunts.


Bitsy gives birth

Following her arrest for being an alleged communist sympathizer, Poppy is escorted to Rivervale Hospital, where Bitsy lies in the bed and embraces Poppy when she approaches. Coincidentally, Bitsy gives birth, with Poppy's help, just as Bailey's Comet passes over Rivervale. Bitsy wishes she was bringing her daughter into a better world, but she can at least take comfort in the fact that her daughter being born under the comet is a sign of great things to come, Poppy reveals. She then gives Bitsy a pouch and tells her that she'll know when to use it when the time is right.


Cheryl and Sabrina perform the spell

For today's lesson at Thornhill, Cheryl teaches the girls about comets, in particular periodic comets, like Bailey's Comet, which passes through their solar system once every 65 years. The girl will be able to marvel at the comet's beauty on the north hill as it passes over Rivervale tonight. Britta asks if Nana Rose will be able to join them for the viewing, but unfortunately, she's feeling quite weak and won't be able to make it. Cheryl then visits Nana Rose and reveals that the comet will soon return to their skies and asks if she's certain that she wants to continue down this path, as it can't be undone and there is a risk, as always with spell casting. Rose replies that she's never been more certain. And so, with help from Sabrina Spellman, Cheryl performs a transference spell during the comet's passing; Abigail is transferred into Nana Rose's dying body and Rose is transferred into Abigail/Cheryl's body. She feels free and at long last, Fen's curse is broken, allowing Abigail to pass on.[1]

Hurling towards Riverdale[]


Mr. Cypher takes Percival

Jughead tricks Percival, first bringing him back to Rivervale through a portal and then challenging him to a game of mental strength, during which point, he leaves his body vulnerable to attack from Archie and the gang from Rivervale, who stab Percival with his own daggers, leaving him vulnerable and allowing Tabitha to send him back to the past and turn him over to Mr. Cypher. However, as his final act of revenge against the town, Percival performs a spell to alter the trajectory of Bailey's Comet, sending it on a path directly at Riverdale.[2]


Abigail advises Cheryl

With less than 18 hours before the comet is set to hit Riverdale, Cheryl consults Abigail, whose knowledge of the dark arts just might rival Percival's. In exchange for her help, Cheryl offers to free Abigail's spirit from the doll. A long time ago, when she was still alive, Abigail spent a sublime evening with her beloved Thomasina, who was an astronomer, scientist, and a witch. Abigail recalls Thomasina showing her Bailey's Comet for the first time through a microscope from Thornhill, where she explained that this comet, like all others, is made of ice, which she then shares with Cheryl, who Abigail instructs to project her Phoenix fire as soon as the comet reaches earth. But if it is to work, it will require all of Cheryl's Phoenix power.


Veronica gives Cheryl power

Cheryl shares the information she learned from Abigail with her friends, along with one huge catch: because it will require all of Cheryl's Phoenix energies, if she succeeds, one or more of the dead she's resurrected will perish, as it is her powers that are keeping the dead alive, which includes Archie, Jughead, Polly, Nana Rose, Dagwood, Alice, Frank, Tom, Fangs, and Toni. If Riverdale is to live, one or many of them must die. Fortunately, Veronica is able to come up with a solution to this problem. She theorizes that using her gift to absorb everyone's abilities and give them to Cheryl, to augment her Phoenix powers, will lessen the chance of Cheryl using up her Phoenix powers and any of them dying. Everyone cuts their hands so that Veronica can absorb their powers, and Veronica gives them all to Cheryl with a kiss.


Cheryl stops the comet

Empowered with her friends' abilities, Cheryl stands outside Pop's as the comet nears. She begins to recite a spell, conjuring up all her friends' combined power along with her own Phoenix power. Fueled by great energy, Cheryl levitates above the ground as the comet approaches and directs her power towards it. Cheryl is able to destroy the comet, but there are unexpected consequences in doing so. The milkshake-like combination of all of their gifts sends the town of Riverdale back in time to the year 1955. Not just that, Archie and the gang are all teenagers again, and Jughead is the only one who remembers what their life was like BC. Before the comet.[3]


Season 6[]

Season 7[]


